Words Around the Block
- Notre Dame and the Blue Macaw
- Codes for Courtyards
- Jane Jacobs at 100: Ideas That Live On
- A 4-Micro-Unit House
- Better Together: Small House Living Thrives in a Community
- Pocket Neighborhoods for Special Niches
- Messy and Complicated, or Nourishing and Supportive?
- Cohousing and Pocket Neighborhoods – What’s the Difference?
- A Camp for Life-Long Children
- 10 Ways to Create Community Where You Live
Good Neighbors
Tag Archives: not-so-big
Better Together: Small House Living Thrives in a Community

Small houses are getting a lot of press these days. They are capturing our imagination, teasing our nesting instinct, and enticing us to consider the possibility of living with a smaller mortgage or less rent. Squeezed by the economy and a … Continue reading
Posted in Living in Community, Sharing Culture
Tagged Ben Brown, Bruce Tolar, Katrina Cottage, Marianne Cusato, not-so-big
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